Sleep Laboratory

Sleep Laboratory

In order to lead a healthy and happy life, regular sleep is considered as an undeniable fact of life. The factors that disrupt this are among the important health problems.
In Ankara Koru Hospital Sleep Disorders and Snoring Treatment Center, the causes of sleep disorders are determined and treated. With a multidisciplinary approach, it collaborates with the ENT, Chest, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Urology disciplines.
In the Prof Dr. Ali Kemal Erdemoğlu Sleep Center, long-term wakefulness and sleep video EEG monitoring, polysomnographic recordings for diagnosis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing are made.

Sleep apnea
Sleep terror
Complaints of being unable to fall asleep
Inability to maintain sleep
Periodic restless leg movements during sleep
Dream behavior disorder
Sleep eating behavior

Sleep Tests
All night sleep test
Cpap titration
Daytime sleep tests