Anaesthesiology and Reanimation

Anaesthesiology and Reanimation

Anaesthesiology and reanimation in Koru Hospitals evaluate and examine patients to be taken into surgery in all surgical units and prepare them for surgery. The department determines what kind of anaesthesia will be used and inform them pre-surgery.
Infrastructure and Equipment
Operating room has all the equipment
Advanced and the latest technological anaesthesia devices, monitors and infusion devices
Available ultrasonography for anaesthesia applications
Nerve stimulator, catheter and needle sets in peripheral block applications.
Equipped devices for difficult airway applications and fibre-optic intubation
transesophageal echocardiography
Private devices having all equipment for anaesthetic intrusion in paediatric case
Revival and follow up unit; a storage with all kinds of materials within this unit
Privately created system for following the narcotic drugs
A unit to see the patients before the operations.
Applied to the whole patients, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
Operation-process and initiatives
In our department;
Intubation, central vein and arterial cannulations, required interventions for fluid and blood treatment, difficult air way applications, all peripheric and central nerve blocks, mechanical ventilation application, all anaesthesia and analgesia specific to units and patients having been performed successfully.
Service Areas
  • Specific analgesia, anaesthesia and emergency applications for all units and patients
  • Control and training for medicines whose following-up is important
  • Transesophageal echocardiography applications in intraoperative period
  • Peripheral block application
  • Algology