Home Health (Home Care) Services

Home Health (Home Care) Services

Services such as examination, treatment, analysis, medical care, and rehabilitation procedures are provided in their own environment to patients who have difficulty going to healthcare institutions due to age-related heart diseases or oncological diseases, within the scope of Home Health (Home Care) Services;

In our hospital, modern and contemporary methods are utilized to ensure the seamless progress of the Home Health (Home Care) Services process, with ethical values being respected. The home health (home care) team consists of individuals who are knowledgeable in their respective fields, have the experience to meet the needs, and are carefully selected by our hospital.

What are the Advantages of Home Health (Home Care) Services?

The advantages of Home Health (Home Care) Services include:

It enables individuals to receive healthcare services in their own environment (home, workplace, etc.). In a familiar environment, the patient may feel safer and more relaxed, potentially responding better to treatment. This is especially important in situations affecting memory.

It provides individualized treatment and care. Personalized care is another important factor for the patient to feel comfortable. The patient can be sure that they are receiving the necessary care.

For patients who cannot go to a healthcare institution for treatment due to old age, severe illness, or a continuing condition, it enables healthcare services to be provided in the environment they are in.

It ensures that patients and their relatives receive the education they need about patient care. Including patient relatives in the process allows the patient to improve psychologically and socially, and reduces the stress and fear on the relatives since they know what needs to be done in which situations.

It saves time for patients and their relatives. By redirecting the time that patient relatives would spend taking the patient to the hospital and performing necessary procedures, the recovery process is shortened.

It meets the basic needs of fully or semi-dependent individuals with health services provided and provides self-care support.

Among the advantages of Home Health (Home Care) Services, the ability to diagnose early in any disease situation due to the service requiring close supervision is also present.

It provides uninterrupted, high-quality, and world-standard centralized services throughout the process from diagnosis to recovery. It significantly enhances the quality of life.

Since there will be time for basic needs such as eating, sleeping, socializing during times outside of healthcare services, the patient maintains their independence. It allows our patients to spend their illness and/or aging process with their loved ones. Patients who are worried about being left alone or their movements being restricted will feel comfortable this way.

With home care services, treatment can progress faster and costs can be reduced.

I Want to Receive Home Health (Home Care) Services...

The person who wants to receive Home Health (Home Care) Services can call our hospital or apply in person. The call center agent talks to the person who wants to receive home healthcare services, takes the initial information, and determines the health service to be provided. The patient's home care plan is created with information from the doctor and the patient; these plans are individual and are created considering the wishes of the patient and their relatives. A team consisting of a doctor or nurses is directed to the patient for service in accordance with the plan created for the patient, and report and prescription procedures can also be handled within the scope of Home Health (Home Care) service. As we want to provide the best quality service possible for each of our patients, our standards are always high, our staff are clever and fast; your health and safety are our team's top priority. When necessary, the provided patient transport vehicles have sufficient equipment for both patient supplies and personnel.

What are the Home Doctor Services?

Doctor services within Home Health (Home Care) Services involve the examination of individuals in their own environment by the relevant specialist doctor. In these examinations, the tests requested by the doctor are taken by the nurse and then the test results are examined by the relevant doctor. As a result of the examinations, an appropriate, individualized treatment plan is created; after that, the treatment is implemented. Since the needs of each patient will vary, health services are provided as needed with doctor visits. As the patient's chronic diseases and current health status are closely monitored by specialist doctors, possible risks can be detected early and necessary precautions can be taken. This way, the patient and their relatives feel more at ease. Since contemporary, accessible, and comprehensive service is the goal of all our doctors, the most applicable treatment is always sought for the patient and their relatives.

What are the Home Nursing Services?

Home Nursing Services is the term given to all the care received by the patient in their living space by specialist nurses. The nurse is responsible for implementing the treatment or treatments prescribed by a doctor for the patient. A patient who is semi or fully bedridden and cannot meet their basic needs can receive nursing services for short (hourly, daily, etc.) or long (weekly, monthly, etc.) periods depending on their needs.

On her first visit, a nurse provides information to the patient and relatives and schedules the next visit, explains what will be done during the nursing process, keeps records, and generally helps the patient and relatives to feel safe. In addition to these, the nurse can regularly dress the patient's wounds, if the patient is connected to a breathing device or a catheter, the nurse can perform the maintenance or replacement of these devices, make the patient walk or move around in the house to keep them mobile, or if the patient is bedridden, she can apply position changes to prevent bedsores. Nurses are staff who can make quick decisions, bring different solutions to problems, play a consulting role, and maintain their calm in emergencies, helping to control the stress of the patient and their relatives. Therefore, a nurse working for you under Home Health (Home Care) Services plays a significant role in the physical and psychological recovery of the patient.

What are Home Health Services?

Home Health Services can generally be examined under main headings such as home doctor services, home nursing services, home patient caregiver services, home wound care services, home laboratory and Check-Up services, and home physiotherapy services.

In our hospital, general health services package, cardiology package, Covid 19 care package, consultancy services package, Check-Up package, newborn package, and maternal care and breastfeeding support services are provided by our institution through a professional team that shows the necessary respect to their job and patients they care for, and who are responsible and friendly.

The General Health Services Package at Home

At the forefront of Home Health (Home Care) Services are doctor examinations, routine blood tests, blood pressure and pulse measurements. If deemed appropriate as a result of these examinations and tests, injection procedures and serum/intravenous infusion procedures can be performed by nurses. If blood tests are requested by the doctor at regular intervals, the nurse can apply the blood collection service in the home or workplace environment and send the tests to the laboratory. Dressing and vaccination applications can also be applied at home or at work at the same time.

A catheter can be inserted in the presence of a physician due to prostate disease, urine sample collection, or monitoring of urine output, and the change or care of this catheter can be applied by nurses. If the patient has undergone a tracheostomy procedure, cannula changes, if a port catheter is applied, needle changes and dressing are performed by nurses again.

With a Portable USG by a radiology specialist, an X-ray or imaging can be provided, and with a Portable EKG accompanied by a cardiology specialist, the patient's heart rhythm can be visualized.

The Cardiology Package at Home and Workplace

Within the scope of Home Health (Home Care) Services Cardiology Package, we perform cardiology examination, ECHO, EKG, blood tests, and urine tests with our specialist cardiology team. The examination is conducted under the supervision of a specialist doctor. In addition to the physical examination, the patient's complaints, smoking and alcohol consumption, family factors, activity status, and weight are evaluated during the session.

ECHO and EKG are very important for seeing the functions of the heart and are recommended for all individuals over the age of forty. Thanks to ECHO and EKG tests performed at home, the patient can get information on important issues such as rhythm disorders, contraction problems, high blood pressure, valve or vascular diseases without risking going to the hospital and can reach the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

Blood and urine tests are routinely applied by our nurses as long as the doctor deems it appropriate.

The Newborn Package at Home

The Home Newborn Package is designed to meet the needs of mothers who have just given birth and are feeling nervous or uncertain about what to do next, who need to rest after childbirth, or who want professional support for a prematurely born baby. Since the newborn period, which covers the first month of life, is a very sensitive and important time, our services are constantly evolving and renewing.

As part of our Home Health (Home Care) Services, we monitor babies' physical development and diagnose diseases through pediatric examinations. We also provide care for mothers and support for breastfeeding to help reduce the stress of new mothers. In addition, we offer umbilical cord care, baby bathing and diapering services, hearing tests, and routine blood tests, demonstrating our commitment to contemporary and quality service as an institution.


Covid-19 Home Care Package

This package includes a pulmonary disease examination, routine blood tests, a Covid-19 Antibody test, and a Covid-19 PCR test. The antibody test is standard because it helps experts see how the immune system in the body perceives threats and the measures it takes against these threats.

Home Consultation Services

Our services include breastfeeding consultancy, baby care consultancy, newborn examination package, nursing services, and special health support personnel services.

Home breastfeeding and care consultancy play an important role in alleviating any potential issues until a natural bond is established between mother and newborn, and for soothing the mother. Under the breastfeeding and newborn care consultancy, mothers are guided by experts on issues such as painful breastfeeding, newborn refusal to breastfeed, insufficient milk production, milk pumping, breastfeeding multiple babies, body and navel care, holding the baby, and the first bath. The newborn 5th day check-up package includes examinations conducted by expert physicians and routine blood tests. Our personnel not only physically examine your baby as part of the newborn examination, but also listen to you and your birth story, observe your habits, and create custom baby support programs for you.

As part of the Home Health (Home Care) Services, nursing and special health support personnel services are also at your service 24 hours a day, so you can always feel safe.

Koru Ankara Hospital Home Health (Home Care) Services Transportation

For transportation information about the Koru Ankara Hospital Home Health (Home Care) Services, you can reach us on our lines at 0312 911 77 77 / 0535 106 73 49.