1990-1995: Ankara Özel Arı Koleji
1995-2002: Ankara Çağrıbey Anadolu Lisesi
2002-2008: Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (Üniversite)
2006: Bell International School-Cambridge-UK (English language school)
2008-2012: Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi (Radyoloji uzmanlık eğitimi)

2013-2015: Ardahan Devlet Hastanesi, Radyoloji Bölümü
2015-2018: Başkent Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Radyoloji ABD

Türk Radyoloji Derneği (TRD)
Türk Manyetik Rezonans Derneği (TMRD)
European Journal of Radiology (ESR)
Ankara Tabip Odası


  1. Tezcan S, Ulu Ozturk F, Uslu N, Nalbant M, Umit Yemisci O. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Evaluation of the Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy With Ultrasound Strain Imaging. J Ultrasound Med. 2018 Jun 11. doi: 10.1002/jum.14669.
  2. Tezcan S, Ayvazoglu Soy E, Uslu N, Haberal M. Ultrasonography Findings of Urinary Tract Infection After Kidney Transplant: A Case Report. Exp Clin Transplant. 2018 Mar;16 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):119-121. doi: 10.6002/ect.TOND-TDTD2017.P22.
  3. Tezcan S, Uslu N, Ayvazoglu Soy EH, Haberal M. Ultrasonography Findings of Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Multiple Abscesses Following Renal Transplant: A Case Report. Exp Clin Transplant. 2017 Feb;15(Suppl 1):247-248.
  4. Tezcan Ş, Ulu Öztürk F, Uslu N, Yılmaz Akçay E. ; Breast cancer or an insidious disease? Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis, its ultrasonographic, dynamic contrast-enhanced MR and diffusion MR characteristics with a literature review. Acta Oncol Tur. 2017; 50(3): 224-230.| DOI: 10.5505/aot.2017.97268.
  5. Ulu Öztürk F, Tezcan Ş, Uslu N. ;Is re-biopsy necessary for benign breast cytology? ? a case report of an occult rare malignancy: marginal zone lymphoma of the breast. Acta Oncol Tur. 2017; 50(3): 269-272 | DOI: 10.5505/aot.2017.84856.
  6. Hekimoğlu K, Tezcan Ş, Coşkun M, Doğrul M, Moray G, Haberal M. ;MDCT evaluation of early pulmonary infection types after liver transplantation. Transplant Proc. 2015 Mar;47(2):473-7. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.12.028.


  1. Tezcan S, Ulu Öztürk F, Ayvazoglu Soy E, Uslu N, Haberal M.Portal venous flow alterations in the hepatic artery thrombosis following liver transplant. International Liver Transplantation Society: 23/05/2018-26/05/2018
  2. Ulu Öztürk F, Tezcan S, Ayvazoglu Soy E, Uslu N, Haberal M. Hepatic artery doppler flow changes during cholangitis in liver transplantation patients. International Liver Transplantation Society: 23/05/2018-26/05/2018
  3. Tezcan S, Ayvazoglu Soy E, Uslu N, Haberal M. ;Ultrasonography Findings of Urinary Tract Infection After Kidney Transplant: A Case Report. TURKISH TRANSPLANTATION SOCIETY and THE TURKIC WORLD TRANSPLANTATION SOCIETY: Ankara; 01/11/2017 - 03/11/2017
  4. Tezcan Ş, Uslu N, Ayvazoğlu Soy EH. ;Ultrasonography Findings of Acute Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Multiple Abscesses Following Renal Transplant: A case report. Experimental and Clinic. Mesot Congress: ; 21/09/2016 - 24/09/2016
  5. Tezcan S, Agildere M, Öztürk Ö, Sezer T, Sav A. ;MR and Proton MR Spectroscopy Findings of a Pediatric Case with Solitary Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease in the Potserior Fossa. ISMRM 2016 Annual Meeting: ; 07/05/2016 - 13/05/2016
  6. Gezmiş E, Yerli H, Han Yılmaz T, Muratlı A, Tezcan Ş. ;Gastrointestinal stromal tümörü taklit eden, atipik, infiltratif hepatoselüler karsinom. 36. ULUSAL RADYOLOJİ KONGRESİ TÜRKRAD2015: ANTALYA; 21/10/2015 - 25/10/2015
  7. Gezmiş E, Yerli H, Eşki E, Gülay H, Muratlı A, Tezcan Ş. ;Boyunda posttravmatik arteriovenöz malformasyon. 36. ULUSAL RADYOLOJİ KONGRESİ TÜRKRAD2015: ANTALYA; 21/10/2015 - 25/10/2015
  8. Ulu Öztürk F, Dönmez F, Kural F, Tezcan Ş, Ağıldere M. ;Diffusion MR Imaging in Characterization of Head and Neck Lesions. European Congress of Radiology: Vienna; 07/03/2013 - 11/03/2013
  9. Çetiner Ş, Uslu N, Töre HG, Harman A, Işıklar İ, Haberal M. ;Karaciğer Transplantasyonu Sonrası Gelişen Hepaitk Arter Stenozunun Erken Tanısında Renkli Doppler Ultrasonografinin Önemi. 31. Ulusal Radyoloji Kongresi: ANTALYA; 07/11/2010 - 12/11/2010


European Board of Radiology-European Diploma in Radiology (November 13-14, 2014)

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