Bypass In The Working Heart
Cardiovascular Surgery

Bypass In The Working Heart

    Bypass In The Working Heart

    Bypass in the working heart is an innovative new technology that allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive cardiac surgery without opening the chest cavity. Learn more about bypass in the working heart!

    Bypass in the working Heart is a revolutionary new technique for performing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. The procedure uses a small incision on the front of the patient’s chest instead of opening the chest cavity. This approach reduces the amount of trauma experienced by patients during CABG surgery.


    What Is Bypass in the Working Heart?

    Bypass in the Working heart is a revolutionary new technique that allows surgeons to perform coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG) without opening the chest cavity, reducing the amount of trauma experienced.


    Why Is it Important?

    CABG is one of the most common surgeries performed worldwide. It involves removing blockages in the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle and then replacing them with healthy blood vessels taken from elsewhere in the body. This procedure has been shown to reduce the risk of death after a heart attack by up to 50%. However, traditional open-chest CABG requires a large incision in the middle of the sternum (breastbone), which leaves patients vulnerable to infection and other complications.


    Who Can Benefit From This Technology?

    Bypass in the Working Heart is designed to provide access to the coronary artery system through small incisions in the groin area. Patients who would benefit from this type of surgery include those who have had previous heart attacks, severe angina, or high cholesterol levels.


    How Does it Work?

    Bypass in the Woking Heart uses a catheter to place a tube into the femoral artery (the main blood vessel in the leg) and then up into the aorta (the largest artery in the body). A balloon at the end of the tube inflates inside the aorta to block off the flow of blood to the heart. This creates a temporary “bypass” around the blocked section of the artery. Surgeons then use other tools to repair the damaged heart tissue.


    What Are the Advantages?

    There are several advantages to using bypass in the working heart instead of traditional open-chest surgery. First, the procedure is less invasive than traditional open-chest surgery because it does not require opening the chest cavity. Second, it reduces the need for general anesthesia, which means patients recover faster and spend fewer days in the hospital. Third, it decreases the risk of infection and bleeding. Fourth, it improves patient outcomes by reducing the length of time spent under anesthesia. Fifth, it reduces the risk of complications such as stroke, kidney failure, and death. Sixth, it reduces the risk for future surgeries. Seventh, it reduces the risk associated with prolonged recovery times. Eighth, it reduces the risk that the patient will develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a condition where blood clots form in the legs. Ninth, it reduces the risk the patient will develop pulmonary embolism (PE), another condition where blood clots travel through the lungs. Tenth, it reduces the risk patients will suffer from postoperative pain.

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

    About the Author

    Medical Editorial Board

    Medical Editorial Board

    Approved by on 20.10.2022

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    Cardiovascular Surgery

    Prof. M.D.

    Birol YAMAK

    Koru Ankara Hastanesi