What Is Mammography? How Does It Work?

What Is Mammography? How Does It Work?

    What Is Mammography? How Does It Work?

    Mammography is an important screening tool used to detect breast cancer early. Find out more about what it involves and why it’s so effective!

    Mammograms are X-ray images taken of breasts to look for signs of cancer. They're recommended every year after age 40, and yearly after that.


    What is mammography?

    A mammogram uses low doses of radiation to produce detailed pictures of the breast tissue. This allows doctors to see any changes in the breast that might indicate cancer.


    Why does mammography work?

    Mammograms are very effective at detecting breast cancer because they allow doctors to view the entire breast. They also provide a good picture of the breast tissue, which helps them identify abnormalities.


    Who should get mammograms?

    Women who are older than 40 years old should receive regular mammograms as part of their routine checkups. This includes women with a family history of breast cancer, those who have had previous biopsies, and those who have dense breasts.


    When should I have my first mammogram?

    If you haven’t had a mammogram within the last year, schedule one now. You should also consider having a mammogram every two years after age 50, and every year after age 60.


    How often should I have mammograms?

    Mammograms are recommended at least once per year starting at age 40. After age 50, women should start getting mammograms every other year. Women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer should continue to receive regular mammograms.

    The content of the page is for informational purposes only, please consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Approved by on 18.11.2022

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