Oncology Center of Excellence
Cancer is one of the most important health problems in our country and all over the world. In order of incidence, breast, prostate, lung, large intestine and cervical cancers are the five most common cancer types. In terms of causing death, cancers are in the second place after cardiovascular diseases all over the world and it is expected to rise to the first place in this ranking in the near future.![onkoloji](https://www.koruhastanesi.com/upload/Resimler/241220211139889562768f201-a304-4552-a929-ccf3687660ed.jpg)
Cancer diagnosis and treatment is a process that requires the coordinated work of many specialist physicians from many different branches. Almost all medical specialties, including radiology, nuclear medicine, interventional radiology and pathology departments, play a role in the diagnosis process. In the treatment processes, surgical branches (general surgery, urology, thoracic surgery, ENT, gynecology, etc.), medical oncology and radiation oncology departments take responsibility. Support from other fields of expertise (psychiatry, PTR, neurology, dietitian, etc.) is taken in the solution of additional problems that may develop during and after the treatment.
The primary duty of the medical oncology specialist is to be a pioneer in the coordination of the cancer treatment team mentioned above and in determining the most appropriate treatment modality for the patient. Its secondary task and main field of study is the application of systemic cancer treatments (chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy), the long-term follow-up of the treatment side effects and the disease.
Ankara Koru Hospital Medical Oncology Service
Medical Oncology Department provides service on two separate floors in our hospital. There is a 12-bed day treatment unit and an inpatient oncology service with a six-bed capacity. The systemic treatments of our patients are determined by Medical Oncology specialists and are administered by nurses specialized in the field of cancer in our department.
Today, the drug options used in cancer treatment are increasing and developing at a dizzying pace. In this way, success in cancer treatment is increasing day by day. The biggest challenge brought by this progress is the follow-up of up-to-date scientific data. A medical oncologist is responsible for following up-to-date scientific data and providing patients with the latest and best cancer treatments. The treatments applied in the medical oncology department are carried out at international standards, current treatment approaches are constantly followed and these approaches are strictly not followed.
Another key to success in cancer treatment is that the treatment is the product of a joint and harmonious work. While determining the treatments in our Medical Oncology department, the support of the "Multidisciplinary Oncology Council", which is the biggest power of our hospital, is taken. Post-treatment follow-ups are carried out in collaboration with medical oncology specialists and radiation oncology, physical therapy, radiology, surgical branches, nuclear medicine, pathology, medical genetics, clinical psychology, rehabilitation, psychiatry and nutrition specialists. Moreover, the nursing care and service provided by our nurses specialized in the field of cancer takes our Medical Oncology clinic one step further.
For Information and Appointment;
Fulya Toker
Oncology Departments Coordinator
+90 535 106 74 82